

anything-etags-enable-tag-file-dir-cache が nil の状態で、 anything-etags-get-tag-file 関数が呼ばれたとき、TAGSファイルが二階層以上上のディレクトリにあると無限ループになっているような気がします。

--- /Users/imakado/c/codecheckin/lang/elisp/anything-etags/trunk/anything-etags.el	2009-02-01 01:41:27.000000000 +0900
+++ /Users/imakado/c/.emacs.d/elisp/anything/anything-etags.el	2009-02-01 01:29:41.000000000 +0900
@@ -247,11 +247,28 @@
     (let ((current-dir default-directory))
       ;; Try to search tag file with up directories
       ;; if current directory is not found.
-      (while (and (not (file-exists-p (concat current-dir anything-etags-tag-file-name)))
-                  (not (equal current-dir "")))
-        (setq current-dir (file-name-directory (substring default-directory 0 -1))))
-      (setq anything-etags-tag-file-dir current-dir) ;set tag file directory
-      (concat current-dir anything-etags-tag-file-name))))
+      ;; return nil if not find tag file.
+      (let ((current-dir (anything-etags-get-tag-file-updir current-dir)))
+        (when current-dir
+          (setq anything-etags-tag-file-dir current-dir) ;set tag file directory
+          (concat current-dir anything-etags-tag-file-name))))))
+(defun anything-etags-find-tag-file-updir (current-dir)
+  (let ((file-exists? (lambda (dir)
+                        (let ((tag-path (concat dir anything-etags-tag-file-name)))
+                          (and (stringp tag-path)
+                               (file-exists-p tag-path)
+                               (file-readable-p tag-path))))))
+    (loop with count = 0
+          until (funcall file-exists? current-dir)
+          if (= count 10) ;limit
+          do (return nil)
+          else
+          do (progn (incf count)
+                    (setq current-dir (expand-file-name (concat current-dir "../"))))
+          finally return current-dir)))
 (defun anything-etags-generate-tag-buffer (&optional tag-file)
   "Generate Etags tag buffer with TAG-FILE.